Saturday, December 09, 2006

Where does Time Go?????/

I am just thoroughly disappointed. I have been as naughty as a fullgrown woman can be. I have had a terrible time at work. I went off and got a brand new tattoo and it has been over a week since I have been spanked. What else can a girl do?????The tattoo is cool though. It took over a week of mishaps before it finally came to fruition but I have it now. Hubby is actually being kind. He is afraid to spank me because I am still very sore from all those little needles. I have to show off the tat though. Isnt she a cutie? When she was originally all finished up, she looked just like Peter Pan had beaten her up...bad...head injury, scrapes, bruises...but she looks much healthier now.
Now to my love....I sincerely hope you decide to read this sometime soon. I am in need. Remember this fine picture? We may not be able to do this again until we are once again in a hotel room (which is planned for the near future...with many more toys) but I want to go beyond this. I love going back and looking at this picture It brings back all the memories of how my ass got such a magnificent glow to it...but all the bruises are gone, the ache is gone, all signs of any previous playtime have disappeared.
Its time for renewal. I hope to "get a little" tonight. I have my fingers crossed. Often it is up to me and things have been so hectic lately, especially in my head...heres to hoping for a bright red bottom to wear to work tonight and possibly a sated (if only temporarily) libido....

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