Tuesday, October 23, 2007

The Last Big Day

After all the waiting, the ungodly horniness, the cravings for some REAL contact, I got my wish...IN SPADES! I have decided to do things a little different today. There is so much for me to say that I don't want to miss anything, but I have such a short attention span these days, I decided it would be interesting to give a little at a time. I will be updating my blog off and on today and if I don't finish my story, perhaps it will carry into tomorrow. I'm just going to start for now

I have been wanting Honey to really...there are a gazillion words that would fit here but they all sound callous...beat me....no, don't like the sound of it...wear my ass out...true but still kind of coarse sounding...wail the skin off my ass...YYOUCH!!!!!!!!!! Once again, true, but just doesn't sound right.
Okay, how about this. I needed to be entertained in the roughest fashion comfortable to man or woman. Yeah, that sounds nice, doesn't it?
The truth is, I wanted Honey to beat my ass black and blue. I don't know why. I know it sounds like I always ask that question but really, especially in the throes of it, I could care less why. He likes it, I like it...it works. This was probably one of the most severe encounters we have had and I loved it. We kept getting interrupted unfortunately or it probably would have been even more severe...and I certainly wouldn't have minded that at all...but as it turns out, it was GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This first picture...oh yeah, that was just the beginning.

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Thank You to My Lurkers!

I want to thank those that were brave enough to leave me a message. It is always so much more appreciated than you can possibly imagine. The last couple of months have had their share of emotional upheavals so my writing has been way spottier (did I make that word up?) than I would like. I am still in a fair amount of pain, some days worse than others, but way less than I was so I think I can safely say the surgery was a success. I was afraid I would lose my readers during this bizarre time in my life, but so far, I don't think I have lost any. If anything, it looks like I have a picked up a couple of regulars. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I noticed a couple of new areas when I was looking at the locations my readers come from. And when I checked my "referrals" I found two great German sites (I think they are German anyway). They made me wish I could read German in a big way.

I don't think I have ever mentioned it but I love erotic art. Erotic art turns me on almost as much as erotic movies do. I think its because erotic art gives me the opportunity to let my imagination run free with the image...and I have such a vivid imagination.

I had planned on posting some new pics tonight. I think they will be appreciated. I had one of those weeks...well, make that plural in terms of weeks...Let's just say that since Honey was afraid to touch me and I was home alone watching spanking movies and porno movies...I was more than ready to have my body used, abused and thoroughly ravaged. Let me assure you, I got EXACTLY what I asked for. For some reason, blogger can't post pics tonight and what would the story be without the pics? There are one or two that I'm pretty sure even Toy from Married Man's fucktoy will appreciate. I have to say this to Bonnie from My Bottom Smarts...remember when I said I wanted those colorful welts on my ass that they get on Lupus? Obviously I had lost my mind completely.

Having said all that, maybe having to wait another day to post pics isn't a bad thing. I have pics that we took that night. My oh so white skin wasn't so white...and still isn't,..in certain areas. We planned on giving my ass one more day to see what becomes of the bruises. I suspect they will get quite colorful but right now, they are those weak colors that you can see in person....yellow, green, light purple and blue....but they look like the color is going to get fall like before they go away. I can post some mighty vivid "just after" shots, the story that goes along with it, and if I'm in a real writers mood (we can all hope), it should be pretty good. I know the doing was good...REALLY GOOD. And I will also have some great "reminder" shots. You know the ones I'm talking about. The ones you can't help but check out in the mirror everytime you go to the bathroom? The ones that bring that naughty little smile to your face when you sit just right and get that little "ouch" feeling. Or the "ouch" actually slips from your lips.

Well, now that my teenage son has entered the room and COMPLETELY ruined the mood and concentration I need to write, I guess I will leave you for now. IN the next day or two, plan on some really owie shots showing up and a really hot story to go along with it. Honey nad I had a very very good night together...several, actually, lately, but this one was one for the bloggers!
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